Examining environmental health threats, contaminated products and more.
Families near battery recycling plants face “dangerous" levels of lead in their blood and in soil, testing shows.
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From baby bottles to nonstick pans, U.S. regulators often discover health risks decades after items are released.
PFAS tied to lithium ion battery production are part of a growing “public health disaster,” prompting some legislators to push for broader regulation.
People in states where marijuana remains illegal are failing drug tests and facing major repercussions even though they say it is legal hemp that they are consuming.
Legislators respond to The Examination and Houston Chronicle investigation of oil companies leaking hydrogen sulfide near families and schools.
A new investigation examines the track record of chemical suppliers winning hefty contracts to fuel the green transportation revolution.
Chemical suppliers for lithium-ion batteries have been accused of misleading regulators, hiding information and contaminating communities while making related products.
Architect of hemp law says she ‘did not know’ that highly-potent compounds could be made from the plant.
A new investigation examines the health threat of H2S, a strong-smelling poisonous gas that saturates the Permian Basin of West Texas and other oil-production regions.
Tens of thousands of people live close to oil and gas wells where they risk exposure to hazardous levels of hydrogen sulfide. Regulators do little to protect them.
Residents who live near the Metssa factory in Vindoulou submitted blood test results, including those commissioned by The Examination, as evidence of a health crisis.
Marijuana for recreational use remains outlawed in half of the U.S. — yet it is easy to buy gummies, vapes and other products that deliver a high in many of those same states.
As a new kind of legal weed takes the U.S. by storm, regulators, law enforcement and even industry voices are calling for more oversight.
The companies at the center of thousands of U.S. lawsuits produce some of Africa’s most popular chemical straighteners like Dark & Lovely and TCB Naturals.
Les tests révèlent que les familles résidant à proximité des usines de recyclage de batteries présentent des niveaux de plomb « dangereux » dans leur sang et dans le sol.